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Hemorrhoids: How to Prevent this Pain in the Butt!

Hemorrhoids, swollen veins around the anus and in the rectum, are more prevalent among the SCI population than the general population. It is believed that this higher incidence is due to several factors such as chronic constipation (which intensifies pressure and may weaken the veins in the rectal area), prolonged sitting, straining, irritation through repeated digital stimulation and/or use of suppositories or enemas. A major sign of hemorrhoids in individuals with SCI is bleeding during bowel management program.
People with SCI obviously cannot avoid risk factors such as prolonged sitting, and in some cases digital stimulation and use of suppositories. However there are many foods that can help strengthen your veins and help prevent the development and/or recurrence of hemorrhoids:

  • High-fibre diet – this is extremely important in the prevention of hemorrhoids. There is a strong correlation between constipation and hemorrhoid development, so preventing constipation is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of developing hemorrhoids. A diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, fruits and legumes promotes movement of stool through the bowel. Fibre also absorbs water to help keep feces soft, bulky and easier to pass.

  • Flavonoids - found in foods such as blackberries, blueberries, cherries and citrus fruits help to strengthen vein structures.

  • Vitamin C - found in foods such as

citrus fruits, broccoli, spinach and kale helps increase the strength of blood vessels to help prevent hemorrhoids from rupturing.
This smoothie is loaded with fibre, vitamin C and flavonoids. Drinking it for breakfast or as a snack can help relieve your pain in the butt!


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